Large energy ETF draws investors after OPEC agreement
S&P GLOBAL. JAN. 13, 2017
Net inflows to midstream-focused funds slowed at the end of 2016, but a large energy exchange-traded fund weighted heavily to integrated oil majors picked up nearly $1 billion in new money in December signaling investor optimism that U.S. drillers will benefit from an OPEC production agreement.
Midstream ETFs attracted investors in November amid OPEC deal, Trump win
S&P GLOBAL. DEC. 8, 2016
A basket of midstream-focused exchange-traded funds gathered more than $460 million in new money in November, signaling continued investor confidence in the space. READ MORE.
M&A, thawing midstream debt market point toward high-yield bond resurgence
S&P GLOBAL. NOV. 16, 2016
The midstream sector could see more high-yield bond deals as a round of consolidation comes to fruition and markets show renewed confidence in the ability of pipeline partnerships to withstand industry volatility.
Midstream ETFs pulled in new money in October amid sector confidence
S&P GLOBAL. NOV. 4, 2016
A group of exchange-traded funds providing exposure to midstream energy picked up more than $450 million in investor dollars in October amid renewed confidence in the ability of pipeline operators to deliver on their plans.
Growing buyer optimism drives down midstream credit protection cost
S&P GLOBAL. OCT. 21, 2016
Midstream natural gas majors have seen credit protection costs nearly halve over the past six months, a signal of buyer confidence in the companies' ability to repay debt. READ MORE.
Why investors were mixed about midstream ETFs in September
S&P GLOBAL. OCT. 6, 2016
Most exchange-traded funds tracking pipeline operators and master limited partnerships pulled in money in September, but nearly $100 million of outflows from the largest midstream ETF dragged the whole group into negative territory for the month. READ MORE.
Noble's offering could revive moribund midstream IPO market
S&P GLOBAL. SEPT. 12, 2016
Noble Midstream Partners LP's relaunched IPO could be a beacon for other midstream energy players looking to go public after more than a year of zero IPO activity in the sector, industry observers said.
After rapid ascent, gas utility stocks face fears of overvaluation
S&P GLOBAL. SEPT. 8, 2016
Natural gas utilities' valuations have soared in recent years, leading some analysts to call for an end to the rally. Share prices of each of the eight gas utility companies with a market capitalization over $1 billion have increased by more than... READ MORE.
After dismal start to the year, midstream valuations rebounded in Q2
S&P GLOBAL. JULY 22, 2016
The midstream sector was the place to buy low and sell high during the first half of 2016. After collapsing along with commodity prices in the first quarter, shares of many midstream companies charged higher in the second quarter, rebounding above their... READ MORE.
Cost of midstream credit protection lessens along with investor anxiety
S&P GLOBAL. MAY 13, 2016
In a signal of declining investor pessimism about natural gas midstream companies' debt, credit default swap protections have become significantly cheaper over the past three months.
Debt markets in a tizzy for midstream companies through Q1'16
S&P GLOBAL. APRIL 22, 2016
Debt offerings from midstream issuers dried up in early 2016 as stock prices across the sector bottomed in the first quarter. Midstream companies and MLPs completed only three senior debt offerings in the first quarter, according to... READ MORE.
Midstream credit protection gets pricey with growing investor anxiety
S&P GLOBAL. DEC. 11, 2015
Credit default swap protections in the midstream space have become significantly more expensive over the past three months, reflecting growing anxiety among buyers who are skeptical about the ability of issuers to see some or all of their bonds through to maturity.
Japan, World's Third Largest Economy, In The Stranglehold Of A Recession
Japan, which is still floundering from last year's earthquake-tsunami, is once again hovering near the brink of a recession. The weak economic data that Japan posted on Monday suggests that the third largest economy in the world could see a contraction in its GDP growth in...
Foreign Troubles Dim US Earnings Forecasts
Expected earnings of U.S. companies on the S&P 500 reflect the gloomiest outlook in over a decade. Weakening overseas operations of U.S. firms across sectors, as an offshoot of a declining euro currency union, depressed demand in Europe and China and high currency exposures are taking a toll on...