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Nish Amarnath is an American journalist and an author of three books. Her latest bestselling novel, Victims For Sale (HarperCollins) was nominated for the Mumbai Film Festival Word-to-Screen Award and recognized by the U.S. State Department as an oeuvre that brought to light the stark realities of human trafficking involving differently abled women. As an author, she has shared her voice at various forums, including the British Council and United Nations associations. A former editor at Industry Dive and a reporter for the Wall Street Journal, Reuters, TheStreet.com, and S&P Global bureaus across Europe and the Americas, Nish has covered a wide gamut of topics from climate change and artificial intelligence to workers’ rights, public policy, and equity in healthcare access. She also hosted a weekly show for a live network, addressing social and political issues from the Ukraine war and the Supreme Court’s initial draft majority opinion on a strike-down of the Roe v. Wade to LGBTQ+ rights, colorism, and mental health. In 2017, she was featured as an outstanding journalist on the Hall of Fame as part of the AMMYs Awards across North America.

Nish was earlier Managing Editor at one of Europe’s most prolific magazine publishing groups, public diplomacy head for the UK Government and a consultant to the World Bank in Washington, D.C. She holds post-graduate degrees in media communications and journalism from the London School of Economics and Political Science (where she was a Margot Naylor Scholar) and Columbia University (as a James W. Robins Reporting Fellow), where she trained under Sylvia Nasar, author of A Beautiful Mind. Nish is a member of International Thriller Writers, Romance Writers of America, the New York Writers Workshop, Society for American Business Editors and Writers (SABEW), and South Asian Journalists Association. She enjoys singing, painting, reading, swimming, traveling, cooking, and wine-tasting. She is crazy about cats. A former Londoner, she lives and writes in New York.